Check what other game developers say about working with RocketBrush Studio:
For a developer, it’s very important to pay attention to a visual representation of your work, whether it’s a video game or an animation. Things like that are going to fight for your audience’s attention, and the best way to attract it for any kind of art is the way things look. Creating it requires not only great technical skill but also the ability to understand how stylized art makes things look truly special and outstanding.
This task of handling the visual style of 3D art in your game can be done by a team of artists or by 3D outsourcing studios. Artists and studios not only create models and animations for your project’s needs but also ensure that they match the chosen style and tone of your project.
Today we will talk about 3D game art outsourcing studios, their services for creating 3D art and potential difficulties to be aware of.
3D game art outsourcing studios consist of artists who create three-dimensional models and assets in digital form for video games, 3D animated movies, CG artworks and other industry needs by using special tools and programs like Blender, Maya and so on. In addition, most of these studios work as creators of the visual form, establishing the aesthetic that will be “the face” of the project. Considering that a lot of games nowadays should impress potential clients with their graphics, 3D art is a very important step of video game development.
These 3D art outsourcing studios are a great option you can use if you’re working on a new project that requires both quick, simple and complex, meticulously crafted 3D visuals that will match your style, genre and overall aesthetics of choice. Final results then can be implemented into your project to enhance its visual quality and immerse players into the action more effectively.
3D art is incredibly versatile: it can be used for various aspects of games and animation, from environmental art and sculpting to visual effects and texturing. Here is a list of some services 3D outsourcing art studios tend to provide.
Creating models is perhaps one of the main services a 3D game art outsourcing studio provides. They create 3D objects and assets you can then put into your game or animated project from scratch or assist with the current progress you have. Modeling can be of various difficulty, but should represent a certain “object”, a physical structure, consisting of points that are interconnected with each other.
3D animation is incredibly popular since a lot of cinematic games rely on it for usage in cutscenes. Creating it can be very complicated because a lot of aspects of animation are usually done easier in 2D. However, 3D art outsourcing studios have teams of animators with years of experience who can provide high-quality animation for projects.
Just like the title suggests, sculpting is all about the process of carefully and meticulously creating a 3D model out of a “digital clay” with pinching, pulling and smoothing tools. Perfectly suitable for a realistic game art style, thanks to its very detailed result, sculpting services may come in handy for those who are aiming to create a new game, animation or CG artwork that should feel and look life-like and natural.
Designing characters requires a lot of subtle details: from silhouettes and movements animation to texturing and adding subtle details to an overall look of a character. Creating heroes and villains, side characters and crowds that will look natural in the world of your project is something that 3D art studios can easily do.
Visual effects allow your game to look particularly striking and pretty, adding “the sauce” to the overall game’s look and immersing players deeper into the gaming experience. They produce realistic simulations, particle effects, integrate the CGI and create the environments, ensuring immersive and visually stunning experiences. 3D art studios use advanced software and techniques, enhancing the storytelling aspect in particular by crafting visual deliverables for your needs.
There are some potential obstacles you may encounter as you work on implementing 3D art.
All these obstacles and complexities, along with others we haven’t mentioned, can be maintained by a 3D art outsourcing studio so that you could focus on the main thing – that is developing the game.
3D art outsourcing studios can provide great help with the difficult task of creating a game or an animation progress. They provide services that cover potential difficulties and have teams of talented 3D artists and animators who can handle the work and let you maintain the other tasks.
RocketBrush Studio has been working since 2016, contributing 3D art in all types of styles, aesthetics and genres: from sci-fi shooters to hardcore zombie survival games. We have designed full-scale game prototypes, created eye-catching and charismatic 3D characters that were fully animated, created 3D props, objects, backgrounds, weapons and a lot of other things. Our portfolio allows you to see a great scope of our 3D services in various projects and can be seen here.
Our 3D outsourcing studio have collaborated with big industry leaders: Supercell, Paradox Interactive, Applovin and many more. You can read our testimonials here.
Our workflow is tested in regular collaboration and proven to be working effectively to reach the highest ambitions of our clients. Before we set up to start working, we discuss your goals and potential obstacles, then, in the production stage, regular meetings are held to keep you in touch and consider your feedback. Before showing the work to you it goes through internal reviews to ensure the high quality. In addition, a personal project manager is going to be attributed to you, discussing the progress by any communication channel of your choice.
3D art can be very immersive and enrich your project, allowing you to impress players with high-fidelity graphics. The process is tricky but will reward you with passionate players who enjoy the high-detailed three-dimensional art of your projects, be it an animation or a video game.
If you’re looking to bring your game to life with incredible 3D visuals, collaborating with an experienced 3D outsourcing studio can help you greatly. With industry expertise and innovative techniques, a dedicated team can help your vision become a reality.